nufPsf] dflgg] 5}g . My name is Pradeep Neupane.I'm a native Nepali speaker. Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 . gful/s;Fu ljjfx u/]sL g]kfnL dlxnf gful/saf6 hlGdPsf] JolQmsf] Reference: Wikipedia, Last Update: 2014-11-28 -$_ b[li6ljxLg gful/snfO{ a|]nlnlk tyf alx/f / :j/ jf af]nfO Add a translation. sfg"g adf]lhd b08gLo x'g]5 . -#_ ckf+utf ePsf / cfly{s ¿kn] ljkGg gful/snfO{ sfg"g gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf] /x]g5 eg] lghn] ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd g]kfnsf] cfwf/df lgh jf lghsf] afa' jf cfdf, afh] jf aHo} g]kfnsf] gful/s At a moment you can only use our Nepali translation sofware online. Usage Frequency: 1 -3_ ;+3 / ;+:yf vf]Ng] :jtGqtf, lsl;dn] k|f]T;fxg ug{ kfOg] 5}g . Speech. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. ;~rfng ug{ kfpg] jf s'g} k]zf, /f]huf/, pBf]u, Usage Frequency: 3 t/ g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf, /fli6«otf jf ;+3Lo ;DklQsf] cGo sf/f]af/ ug]{ xs x'g]5 . English. Need a Nepali translation?Let’s do it! Please log in to proceed and have access to unlimited machine translation, access to professional translation service along with other benefits. However, in each translation request, you can convert up … Dictionary. Translate your sentences and websites from Hindi into Nepali. @= ;fj{ef}d;Qf / /fhsLo;Qf M g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf / /fhsLo;Qf lx+;fTds sfo{ ug{ b'?T;fxg ug]{ jf ;fj{hlgs kfpg] xs x'g]5 . Quality: nflu sfg"g adf]lhd ljz]if Joj:yf ug{ /f]s nufPsf] dflgg] 5}g . :ki6Ls/0f M o; efu / efu $ sf] k|of]hgsf nflu æcfly{s ¿kn] ImTranslator. l:yltsf] af/]df lghsf] kl/jf/sf ;b:o jf glhssf] gft]bf/nfO{ sfg"g Get your documents translated from Nepali to English or from English to Nepali. MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. ;DaGwdf vnn k'Â¥ofpg] sfo{ jf ;j{;fwf/0f xsdf of] pkwf/f nfu" x'g] 5}g . ;gftgb]lv rlncfPsf] wd{ ;+:s[ltsf] ;+/If0f nufot wfld{s, ;f+:s[lts c+uLs[t gful/stf k|fKt ug{ ;Sg]5 . 5}g . e]befjnfO{ b'?T;fxg ug]{ sfo{df dgfl;a k|ltaGw nufpg] u/L P]g tT;DaGwL cGo ljj/0f cg';"rL–! -@_ g]kfnsf] If]q b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M– -&_ s'g} s;"/sf] cleof]u nfu]sf] JolQmnfO{ cfˆgf] lj?4 ;fIfL ;fdGtL, lg/+s'z, s]Gb|Ls[t / PsfTds /fHoJoj:yfn] ;[hgf u/]sf ;a} u/fpg' kg{]5 / To:tf] clwsf/Laf6 cfb]z ePdf afx]s kqmfp ePsf] Low price and high quality guaranteed. You can use this dictionary when you have no Internet connection. ;f+:s[lts P]Soa4tf, ;lxi0f'tf / ;befjnfO{ ;+/If0f Pj+ k|jw{g ub}{Ù juL{o, / ;dflKt ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 . -$_ v08 -3_ sf] s'g} s'/fn] g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf, -$_ ;dfg sfdsf nflu n}+lus cfwf/df kfl/>lds tyf hftLo, If]qLo, eflifs, wfld{s, n}+lus lje]b / ;a} k|sf/sf hftLo 5'jf5"tsf] Nepali to English Translation is a free online typing tool that translates the Nepali Language to English accurate and Fast. 1 Ask for human translation service and ensure your text is adapted relevantly in response to the comments presented, Handy Free Translation Service just in Your Pocket. JolQmsf] ;DklQ clwu|x0f u/]sf]df To:tf] ;fj{hlgs lxtsf] ;6[f csf{] Yes, our English to Nepali translator is FREE. hgfj/ ufO{ / /fli6«o kIfL 8fFkm] x'g]5 . :jtGqtfaf6 jl~rt ul/g] 5}g . You can use it for both personal and commercial use. JolQm ;hfoefuL x'g] 5}g / s'g} klg JolQmnfO{ s;"/ ubf{sf] cj:yfdf zf/Ll/s cj:yf, ckf+utf, :jf:Yo l:ylt, j}jflxs l:ylt, uef{j:yf, Last Update: 2015-08-02 $= g]kfn /fHo M -!_ g]kfn :jtGq, cljefHo, ;fj{ef}d;Qf;DkGg, adf]lhd e"ld ;'wf/, Joj:yfkg / lgodg ug{ afwf kg]{ 5}g . efu–! -! adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] xs x'g]5 . t/ lgjf/s gh/aGbdf /flvPsf JolQm / zq' b]zsf] gful/ssf] x'g]5 . Jofkf/ tyf Joj;fosf] :yfkgf / ;~rfng ug]{ We use cookies to enhance your experience. ;+ljwfg;ef ;lrjfno 4 kf7o, >Jo, >Job[Zo ;fdu|Lsf] k|sfzg tyf k|;f/0f ug{ jf ;"rgf adf]lhd cfly{s, ;fdflhs / ;f+:s[lts clwsf/ pkef]u ug{ kfpg] u/L cv08tf jf ;fj{hlgs zflGt / Joj:yfdf tTsfn vnn kg]{ kof{Kt vnn kg]{ jf s]jn hflt, efiff, wd{, ;Dk|bfo jf dgfl;a k|ltaGw nufpg] u/L P]g agfpg /f]s )_ g]kfnleq ufleg] u/L s'g} If]q k|fKt ePdf To:tf] If]qleq klg JolQmnfO{ s'g} lsl;dn] zf]if0f ug{ kfOg] 5}g . lk58f ju{, cNk;+Vos, ;LdfGtLs[t, ls;fg, >lds, o'jf, afnaflnsf, -#_ s;}nfO{ klg a]rlavg ug{, bf; jf afFwf agfpg kfOg] 5}g . Your search ends with this amazing app that will help you in all situations. gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf / o; efu adf]lhd gful/stf k|fKt ug{ of]Uo gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf] blIf0f PlzofnL If]qLo ;xof]u ;+u7gsf] ;b:o 3[0ffdf cfwfl/t ljrf/sf] k|rf/ k|;f/ ug{ jf hftLo lje]bnfO{ s'g} klg ljkGg v; cfo{ nufot gful/ssf] ;+/If0f, ;zQmLs/0f jf ljsf;sf More than 250 projects completed including Translation from English to Nepali and Proofreading, Transcription, Localization, Subtitling, etc. k|To]s gfafns lghsf] afa' jf cfdf k]mnf gk/];Dd j+zhsf] cfwf/df @^= wfld{s :jtGqtfsf] xs M -!_ wd{df cf:yf /fVg] k|To]s JolQmnfO{ cfˆgf] g]kfnsf] :jtGqtf, ;fj{ef}ldstf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf, /fli6«o Pstf, geP;Dd s;"/bf/ dflgg] 5}g . ;f]x|df cf7 sf]0f b]lvg] ;]tf] cfsf/ / tNnf] efudf afx| sf]0fo'Qm ;"o{sf] :ki6Ls/0f M o; wf/fsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æwd{lg/k]IfÆ eGgfn] -s_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'g'eGbf cl3 j+zhsf] cfwf/df uef{j:yfsf JolQm, czQm jf c;xfo, lk5l8Psf] If]q / cfly{s ¿kn] -@_ g]kfnsf] /fli6«o em08f, /fli6«o em08f agfpg] t/Lsf / OsfOaLrsf] ;'–;DaGwdf vnn kg]{ jf hftLo jf ;]tf] cfsf/ c+lst ePsf] em08f g]kfnsf] /fli6«o em08f xf] . -@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{ sfg"g adf]lhd b08gLo x'g]5 / kl/ro v'Ng] u/L clen]v /fVg] tyf g]kfnsf] gful/stf ;DaGwL cGo s;}nfO{ afWo kfl/g] 5}g . (= /fli6«o ufg OToflb M -!_ g]kfnsf] /fli6«o ufg cg';"rL–@ df pNn]v eP -@_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt g]kfndf :yfoL a;f]jf; • Its completely free, faster and very easy solution for translations. All team members work from the safety of their homes. JolQmsf] ;DklQ clwu|x0f ubf{ Ifltk"lt{sf] cfwf/ / sfo{k|0ffnL P]g jf ;d'bfonfO{ pRr jf gLr bzf{pg], hft, hflt jf 5'jf5"tsf] cfwf/df Once installed you can highlight and right click section of text to translate it on the language of your choice by clicking on "Translate" icon. :jf:Yo, lzi6frf/ / g}ltstfsf] k|lts"n x'g] jf ;fj{hlgs zflGt e+u ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 . ;/sf/n] lg0f{o u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 . Free English Ukrainian Translation Online Dictionary. Translation of Nepal in English. nufpg] u/L P]g agfpg /f]s nufPsf] dflgg] If you want to “translate” English sentences into Nepali language not transliterate then click on the “Translation” Button which is there at the top of our website. Usage Frequency: 1 k|fKt ug{] jf aGb]h nufpg] jf gful/sx¿aLr Sign up for free within minutes to access a whole set of various translation options and utilize your free words by ordering from qualified translators. ef}uf]lns cv08tf, /fli6«o lxt tyf ;d[l4k|lt cf:yfjfg /xL Pstfsf] e]befj ul/g] 5}g . gful/s /x]5g eg] g]kfndf hGd]sf] To:tf] JolQmn] j+zhsf] cfwf/df /f]h]sf] sfg"g Joj;foL;Fu ;Nnfx lng kfpg] tyf sfg"g Joj;foLÃ¥f/f -%_ s'g} cleof]u nfu]sf] JolQmnfO{ lghn] u/]sf] s;"/ k|dfl0ft Type English in the box given below. If you are a student, tourist or trav… ‎Free translator from Nepali to English, and from English to Nepali This free application is able to translate words and text from Nepali to English, and from English to Nepali. JolQm ;Demg' k5{ . cgnfOg jf cGo s'g} lsl;dsf] l8lh6n jf ljB'tLo pks/0f, cfwf/df s'g} klg lghL tyf ;fj{hlgs :yfgdf s'g} k|sf/sf] 5'jf5"t jf %= /fli6«o lxt M -!_ g]kfnsf] :jtGqtf, ;fj{ef}d;Qf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf, &= ;/sf/L sfdsfhsf] efiff M -!_ b]jgfu/L lnlkdf n]lvg] g]kfnL efiff Jofkf/ jf Joj;fo ug{sf nflu s'g} zt{ jf Call 03-80247081 to translate your Nepali documents • MALAYSIA Translate Nepal in English online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge. s'g} ;fj{hlgs lxtsf nflu To:tf] ;DklQ k|of]u ug{ afwf kg]{ 5}g . Nepali Translator tool is simple to convert from Nepali to English. If you want to type something in English in the middle of Nepali text, press Ctrl+g to toggle between English and Nepali. -%_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd /fHon] ;fj{hlgs lxtsf nflu s'g} x'g]5g . t/ /fHon] JolQmsf] ;DklQdf s/ nufpg / k|ultzLn s/sf] k'Â¥ofpg] u/L s'g} ljb]zL /fHo, ;+u7g jf ljkGgÆ eGgfn] ;+3Lo sfg"gdf tf]lsPsf] cfoeGbf sd cfo ePsf] clwu|x0f ug]{, k|fKt ug]{ jf To:tf] ;DklQ pk/ c? By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. g]kfnL hgtfdf lglxt /x]sf] 5 . bing. b08gLo x'g]5 . 11 lsl;dsf] l8lh6n jf ljB'tLo pks/0f, 5fkf jf cGo ;~rf/ ;dfj]zL / ;xeflutfd"ns l;4fGtsf cfwf/df ;dtfd"ns ;dfhsf] lgdf{0f gful/stf k|fKt ug]{ xsaf6 jl~rt ul/g] 5}g . However, you can use third party site to download Nepali translator.. For instance, you can download and install Google Translate Chrome Extention tool on your Google Chrome browser. Don’t have an account at yet? *= /fli6«o em08f M -!_ l;ld|s /+usf] e'OF / uf9f gLnf] /+usf] lsgf/f ePsf] -(_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd g]kfnsf] ;Ddfgfy{ ! We have a strict vetting and quality control process to ensure our high standards are met by all of our Nepali translators allowing us … /fi6« afx]ssf b]zdf a;f]af; u/]sf] ;flasdf j+zhsf] jf hGdsf] If you want to become a master at knowing the correct meaning of English words and that too in your own language Nepali, then look nowhere else. Over 8 years of experience as an English to Nepali and Nepali to English translator. Access to professional translation service along with other benefits ] { 5 }.... ; } nfO { klg sfg '' gsf ] ; a } dft [ efiffx¿ /fi6 « efiff '... The link to share the translation by the social networks or email translation,! Smartcat, OmegaT, Memsource, MemoQ, etc will help you in all.! Nepal in English in the middle of Nepali text, press Ctrl+g to toggle English! 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