Raw squash might be too harsh for your dog’s digestive tract. The seeds found in zucchini are completely harmless, but if eaten raw they might cause some digestion issues. Do you want to find out if dogs can eat squash, zucchini and eggplant? They’re not toxic in any way and, if served properly, can be really healthy. A dog's digestive system is not always the best at processing raw squash, which can lead to stomach aches, bloating, gas, and constipation. Just remember not to give fried eggplant to your dog! And if your dog is not used to it, you should start with small quantities to see if your dog is ok with flaxseeds. Feed pumpkin in moderation, occasionally – there’s no reason to go overboard. Barking Royalty does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Let’s see why: We discovered that zucchini is a healthy vegetable for your dog too. Seeds of fruits and veggies are generally toxic for dogs. You should be careful with the seeds found in squash. (Eds.) You can roast the seeds and eat them like sun flower seeds your self as well as winter squash seeds. "Dogs need to eat a 'complete and balanced diet' that contains all the essential nutrients the animal requires in the right proportions to maintain a lean body condition," he says. Dogs can eat cooked squash flesh as part of their diet, but not the skin or seeds. Pumpkin? Dogs and people don’t have the same nutritive needs, so even if it’s really healthy for you to eat squash on a regular basis, it’s not the same for your dog. But consider snack portions carefully. In fact, Michigan State University encourages families to create a dog garden—more than likely, your pooch will be eager to dig the plot! Yes, chickens can eat acorn squash, either raw or cooked. You can also crush or grind them and mix them into your dog’s food. Sunflower seeds are rich in magnesium and essential fatty acids, which can help dogs maintain a glossy coat and clear skin. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Small amounts are fine, but it’s not recommended. But as with all with dietary considerations, be sure to first consult your veterinarian so the two of you can make the best plan for your dogs optimum nutrition. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of protein and fiber and an … RELATED: 10 Toxic Human Foods Dogs & Cats Should Never Eat, 10 Toxic Human Foods Dogs & Cats Should Never Eat. Positively a good snack for pups cooked or raw. A reminder – fried and seasoned food is absolutely off-limits for dogs. “Nuts and seeds are high in fat and calories and that can lead to inflammation of the pancreas (or pancreatitis), which is a painful condition that causes vomiting and diarrhea,” shares Dr. Lobos. Squash of all varieties are safe for dogs to eat. Also, be sure to remove the skin and the seeds, as these are poisonous for dogs. Dogs can, theoretically, eat just about anything that a human can eat, including squash. However, you should always know how to serve something to you dog and zucchini is no exception. Dogs eat squash of all kinds, including winter and summer varieties. If you'd like to prepare tasty treats for your canine pal, you can't go wrong with squash and zucchini. Yes, dogs can eat squash. Winter squash skin and seeds are toxic to dogs. This recipe of meat, veg, and potatoes is a balanced meal for your dog. But as you know, dogs and people don’t always share the same criteria when it comes to healthy food. Before giving your dog this treat, make sure you clean the pumpkin seeds. Here is everything you... Rich in Vitamin A, Beta-carotene, fiber - all true facts about carrots. Removing the seeds is another step to remember if you’re planning to give your dog some squash. It is also rich in vitamin C which boosts the immune system. Richard Hill, VetMB, PhD, is board certified in small animal internal medicine and veterinary nutrition, and an associate professor at the UF College of Veterinary Medicine in Gainesville, Fla. Pumpkins are also very low in calories, which is why it can be a great alternative for over-weight or obese dogs. So, can dogs have spaghetti squash? Is that a problem? It's a shame to throw out squash seeds because they have a delightful nutty flavor. Did you know that puppies should be fed up to four times per day? Try roasting them to add extra crunch (without oil, salt, etc.). As a result, your dog may experience stomach pain, gas, diarrhea or vomiting. Other Natural Foods Dogs Can Eat Whether you've decided to feed a few pumpkin seeds to your dog in the spirit of the autumn season or not, there are other all-natural human foods that are also OK to share with dogs safely, including: Surprisingly, yes! Squash is high in fiber, low in calories, and packed with vitamins and nutrients that are great for dog’s long-term health. 3. Squash also has antioxidants that act as an You can eat the seeds from butternut squash, acorn squash, and spaghetti squash. Pumpkins are rich in beta-carotene (the reason behind its orange color), fiber, iron, zinc, vitamin A and potassium. They need to be well cooked so they’re not difficult to chew and to prevent an uncooked piece of squash becoming an obstruction in the digestive system. There are plenty of fruits such as tangerines and vegetables like carrots and celery that are suitable for your pooch and butternut squash is one of them. When squash season comes around, it seems like we’ll never run out of it. Fried squash? Cashew and 4 or 5 (she’s a rescue so we’re not sure on exact age) Use up all your excess summer squash from the garden by steaming it up for your dog, or cut up and bake this year’s jack-o-lantern after Halloween for your dog to eat. Do you want to find out if dogs can eat squash, zucchini and eggplant? Dogs can eat acorn squash, but it should be cooked before they eat it. Finally, avoid zucchini bread and muffins as dogs won’t benefit from them in any way. Your dog will get the benefits someplace else. Can Dogs Eat Squash Seeds? Can cats eat raw squash? By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. Even though small quantities of squash seeds aren’t toxic and won’t hurt your dog. Then cut it into bite-sized pieces and cook it. This applies to squash. You can either feed zucchini raw or cooked and you can also mix it with something else your dog is having. Squash is a very healthy and nutritious veggie for dogs. Squash can definitely be part of your dog’s diet. If you’re giving squash to your dog for the first time, make sure to monitor their behavior and stool. In fact, Michigan State University encourages families to create a dog garden —more than likely, your pooch will be eager to dig the plot! Can Dogs Eat Squash? Can Dogs Eat Yellow Squash – Conclusion By examining all the evidence (ample evidence), we’ve come to the conclusion that canine species can indeed enjoy some yellow squash. *This article has been edited and updated for publication by Petal Smart, … The Expert will know if the dog will be able to digest that. We’ll take a look at the possible benefits later in the text, but first let’s find out what the best way to serve pumpkin is! The answer is yes; dogs may eat spaghetti squash and other types of squash such as pumpkins, acorns, and courgettes that are considered to be non-toxic to your pet as established by The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA®). Dogs can safely eat pumpkin with no problems, provided that it is cooked, raw, or canned organic and natural pumpkin and that it is slowly introduced into the dog… Raw eggplants should definitely be avoided. Eggplant is part of the nightshade family, with tomatoes and potatoes among others. Yes, zucchini is healthy both for you and your dog. Cut the squash in half, and clean out the seeds (you can clean these and roast them as treats for … The short answer is yes, dogs can have different types of squash, but this doesn’t mean that you can give them tons of it. Some worm infestations can’t be cured by pumpkin seeds alone. By cooking butternut squash for your dog, you’ll avoid any potential stomach issues, like bad digestion, bloating, or constipation. Pumpkin seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which contain anti-inflammatory properties. You should never give raw squash to your cat. Your dog doesn’t need to eat vegetables for his health, but vegetables that are safe for dogs, like zucchini, offer an alternative to high-calorie treats. Regular Digestion Dogs eat squash of all kinds, including winter and summer varieties. Feeding your dog cooked squash is important. 2015 - 2021 © Barking Royalty. This feeding... Best Food For Pitbulls – The Ultimate Guide To A Pitbull’s Nutrition. Urinary Health If you follow some guidelines, your dog will be able to enjoy all the benefits eggplants have to offer. The short answer is yes; dogs can eat squash! As we’ve said before, dogs shouldn’t eat the seeds and the skin of the butternut squash. The creamy goodness of the squash will make your dog want more of it. For instance, can dogs eat squash, including yellow or butternut squash? Pumpkin seeds are natural and delicious for humans and dogs. One word of caution: do not let your dog eat Kabocha (Cucurbita maxima "Kabocha"), a variety of Japanese winter squash. Can Dogs Eat Almonds? Yes, all squash seeds are edible and have nutritional value. It’s important to first remove the skin and seeds, as these are not edible, and if swallowed, they could cause an intestinal blockage. First of all, try to feed your dog organically grown eggplants, as other forms can have pesticides or other bad thins on them. Winter squashes stack up in grocery aisles and decorate our fall tables. But most importantly – whichever way you choose to serve it, never add any seasoning or additives as any spices are very dangerous to dogs. Note: Barking Royalty isn’t a veterinary provider. Download the Free "Can Dogs Eat..." Whitepaper, 9 Simple Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained Indoors. This article will give you a detailed answer. Some dogs eat raw squash too, such as shreds of zucchini frozen in an ice cube—a scrumptious 2-in-1 treat to cool them off on a sizzling summer day. Here’s why: Great news! It’s stiff and can be hard to digest. It’s technically classified as fruit, as it comes from a flower, but most of us still consider it a vegetable. Now – time to answer our last question of the day…. Are eggplants bad for dogs? If your dog is obese, adding butternut squash or any other types of squash in your dog’s diet is a great idea mainly because it can only contain 0.17 grams of fat and no cholesterol. Can my dog eat yellow squash? Can dog eat Zucchini?Everybody, who doesn’t know about this question, wants to know from online and other pet lovers. Squash in general is a very healthy, nutritious treat for chickens. Rich in minerals, most importantly potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese and copper. You’ll need to peel the squash and remove the seeds before cooking this yummy veggie for your pup. If your dog enjoyed the pumpkin then he is likely to love some butternut squash … That’s not our subject however. Dogs love to eat, that’s a fact. Topeka, Kansas. When you are enjoying any winter squash, be sure to save and roast the seeds for a nutritious treat.You may be more familiar with roasted pumpkin seeds, which are simply another kind of winter squash.You can roast seeds from spaghetti squash… In fact, spaghetti squash can be used to replace grains for dogs on a grain-free diet. Actually, zucchini is closely linked but not equal to the marrow – known as Courgette and Baby Marrow is a summer squash, a herbaceous vine whose berry are chosen as soon as their immature seeds and epicarp continue to be tender and edible. Read Next: 9 Simple Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained Indoors. If you see anything unusual, stop feeding it squash. If your dog doesn’t like them raw, try drying and roasting the pumpkin seeds first. Can my puppy eat pattypan squash? Another thing to remember when giving squash to your dog is to remove the seeds and the skin. You should be careful with the seeds found in squash. Yes, acorn squash seeds are safe and healthy for chickens to eat. Squash is a very healthy food to add to your fur baby’s diet. Can my dog eat spaghetti squash? Feeding Your Dog: How Often Should Your Dog Eat. Just remember – feed any fruit or vegetable in moderation IF your dog likes and tolerates it. On top of that, these four vegetables are extremely low in calories which makes them a great snack! Squash is a very healthy food to add to your fur baby’s diet. It’s important to first remove the skin and seeds, as these are not edible, and if swallowed, they could cause an intestinal blockage. Dogs can have most of the fresh fruits and vegetables that we also enjoy. Yes, especially when roasted and added to a meat dish or kibble. if eaten in exaggeration these seeds might cause issues as the blockage in the digestive tract. The creamy goodness of the squash will make your dog want more of it. Should dogs eat bones or not - one of the most controversial topics when it comes... Can Dogs Eat Squash, Zucchini, Pumpkin And Eggplant? And one more thing…Yes, you guessed it! Seeds can also be crushed and put into your dog’s meals. Absolutely. Can Dogs Eat Zucchini And Yellow Squash? We eat a lot of kabocha squash in my house and it’s unfair how we are enjoying it and my dog has that longing look in his eyes but I can’t give him because I’m not sure if it’s good. These enhance your dog's health and can help cure any stomach bugs that lead to diarrhea. Small Animal Clinical Nutrition (5th edition). Pumpkin seeds are natural and delicious for humans and dogs. Yes, they most certainly can. Cooked squash can be healthy for your dog, as long as you skip any added salt, sugar, fat, or seasoning. These are the known harmful seeds/pits: Apple seeds, cherry pits, peach pits, pear pits, plums pits, and apricot pits because they contain cyanide, which is poisonous. Pumpkin is another “fruit-vegetable” – technically fruit but considered vegetable by most. My 13 lb dog ate a raw squash seed off the floor. Yay or Nay: Can Dogs Eat Spaghetti Squash? This family is often considered to be bad for dogs, but is it a generalization? Now I’ve had time to check and I’m glad to know that he can join in whenever we eat it. Can my puppy eat yellow squash? Can dogs eat butternut squash? Most of the time, you'll want to steam or bake squashes without any seasoning, and it won't lose nutritional value. Pumpkin and butternut squash can help dogs with bouts of diarrhea , and most dogs don’t mind the taste of squash. ... Once you washed and peeled any type of squash, also remove the seeds and strings before preparation.  Here’s why: Squash is quite healthy for your dog, but don’t relax just yet. Thanks to these benefits... 15 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Breathing Fast, 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Won’t Eat (But Drinking Water), Puppy Vaccination Schedule – Shots Your Puppy Needs. Finally, don’t allow your dog to eat eggplant leaves! Zucchini? It’s not harmful or toxic in any way. They’re great for regulating bowel movement, just like bananas, and can help your dog with diarrhea. Winter squash includes those with hard, thick skins and seeds, such as acorn and butternut squash. Can Chickens Eat Acorn Squash Seeds. Served properly and if your dog isn’t allergic, arthritic or has a kidney problem, eggplant can be really healthy for dogs! In fact, Michigan State University encourages families to create a dog garden—more than likely, your pooch will be eager to dig the plot! Clear out the garden and let your dog eat yellow squash once or twice a week by chopping and boiling it as a treat. However, take care not to feed them the seeds of the fruit as they can be toxic to the dog. Pumpkin and winter squash are good for dogs although best cooked because otherwise they pulp and seeds pass through without the nutrition being absorbed. People can eat both the skin and the peel safely. Acorn squash? Hill says zucchini in particular can also be used to increase water consumption and be added as a filler to kibble to help satisfy a hungry dog without overextending caloric requirements. WOOF: Why dogs move their food bowls around It's also very important to not add any sodium, seasonings or toppings to the squash you give to your dog, as these can lead to toxicity forming in your dog's body. Your pup doesn't care about this, but you should. Can Dogs Eat Almonds? Think of eating them like peanuts or chips. Can dogs eat squash? Almonds, with or without their shells (or hulls), can be choking hazards for dogs due to their size and shape. Let’s start with the first one! Commonly found in cookies or candy, macadamia nuts can cause vomiting, weakness, and hyperthermia in dogs. Consult with your vet who will come up with a good diet, depending on your dog’s size. But consider snack portions carefully. Butternut squash is full of healthy vitamins and nutrients; these include; Vitamin A, B6, C, Folate, and Magnesium. You should remove all the seeds carefully before cooking and check for any seeds left. 15 mins later slushed 1 ox hydrogen peroxide down throat then 30 mins later tried .5 HP but still not thrown up. Even if your cat doesn’t have worms, you can give pumpkin seeds from time to time as a preventive measure. If you were wondering, “can I give my dog pumpkin seeds,” the answer is YES – dogs can eat pumpkin seeds and they're not dangerous when prepared (do not give them raw and always peel them). That’s why you should not only remove all the seeds but also keep them away from your dog. Dog ate inside of spaghetti squash. Sparse anecdotal evidence exists of dogs becoming sick after eating this squash. Another great thing about pumpkin is … Yes, dogs can enjoy this vegetable (or fruit) as well! He recommends that no more than 10 percent of a dog's diet come from unbalanced treats. VCA Hospitals state dogs are omnivores and thrive with a well-balanced diet of animal protein, fruits, and vegetables. Topeka, Kansas. Easily save as a PDF or print. Chickens can eat all parts of the acorn squash, including the seeds and the skin. Again, yes! You should prepare it the same way for your dog. You can opt to mix the squash with the dog’s ordinary food or serve it as a special snack. Sometimes even to the point where they’ll eat something that’s bad for dogs. Learn how much food your dog should eat per day and at what time. If you dog isn’t chowing down on the seeds as a whole, you can roast them, grind them down using a coffee grinder, and add them to your pet’s dog food. Even though small quantities of squash seeds aren’t toxic and won’t hurt your dog if eaten in exaggeration these seeds might cause issues as the blockage in the digestive tract. Can dog eat Zucchini?Everybody, who doesn’t know about this question, wants to know from online and other pet lovers. Dogs can eat all of these vegetables (or fruit if you prefer that). Final Verdict: Zucchini belongs to one of the healthiest low calorie vegetables and can dogs eat zucchini … Always relay any questions you have regarding your pet’s medical condition to your veterinarian, local animal hospital or other qualified veterinary provider. You can also mix squash with something else, as your dog might not like eating squash alone. Not only is it safe, it can be quite beneficial too! Squash can be a great addition to your dog’s diet because it has a high content of Carotene which improves his eyesight. If we are enjoying a certain food, of course, our pup shows an interest in it. Additionally, pet parents should store pumpkin seeds in a sealed bag, as the seeds can spoil and become toxic if left out too long. Spaghetti squash? Most dogs love the flavor of peanut butter, and it offers them a healthy punch of protein. Yes! Squash is also a good source of fiber which is recommended for dogs suffering from constipation. The answer is – dogs can eat eggplant and it’s not toxic in any way. However, you should be aware of how to serve it before you introduce this vegetable to your dog. Start introducing it slowly. Dogs eat squash of all kinds, including winter and summer varieties. You can use them just like you would pumpkin seeds because pumpkins are also a variety of squash. Yes, a dish of healthy baked pumpkin is a satisfying treat but there’s a tangle of seeds and strings to remove, so be patient! Just ensure that you serve it in moderation so as to avoid untold misery. 2. The same goes for seasoning. Yes, squash is perfectly safe to give to your dog! Namely, you should always serve squash cooked or baked – not raw. Small Animal Clinical Nutrition (5th edition). All in all – a very healthy addition to your dog’s regular food! Pumpkin and butternut squash can help dogs with bouts of diarrhea , and most dogs don’t mind the taste of squash. Second, make sure to cook the eggplant properly before giving it to your dog. However, it’s best to feed your dog a few seeds in one setting. Just make sure that … Can dogs eat pumpkin seeds? Squash is a staple in most people’s diets, because of its versatility and of course, because of the different varieties we can choose from. Just make sure you cook them first! This is why you can’t just give the eggplant as it is to your dog, you have to remove the leaves and cook it before. When strictly considering types of squash for dogs, you may be wondering which ones are safe and which ones should be avoided. (100+ foods covered). First of all, don’t let your dog eat the actual plant and flower. However, make sure you’re buying 100-percent pumpkin and not pumpkin pie mix. Yes! They’re a great source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Yes, squash is in fact very healthy and dogs can definitely benefit! Introduce one or two tablespoons of canned pumpkin in your dog’s diet in order to solve the problem. Dogs can eat squash but there are a couple of things to remember. Life comes with some unexpected challenges. This isn’t just true for spaghetti squash, though. Yes, dogs can enjoy spaghetti squash with you! Can my dog eat yellow squash? But, there are a few rules to keep in mind when it comes to feeding squash to your dog. Can Chickens Eat Acorn Squash. Dogs can eat squash and in fact, the vegetable (technically a fruit) has a number of health benefits for dogs, and it’s a smart staple for a dog’s balanced diet. Dogs can also eat summer squash, such as zucchini. Fruit and vegetables, no matter how beneficial, should never be given in large amounts. This helps prevent gastrointestinal problems. Dogs with problems in the urinary tract, especially urinary incontinence, will benefit from pumpkin. The second thing to have in mind is how to prepare it in the best way for your dog. Once you washed and peeled any type of squash, also remove the seeds and strings before preparation. This article... Are plums something you can share with your dog from time to time? Pitbulls are active, muscular dogs that enjoy numerous athletic activities. Pumpkin seeds can be a tasty, crunchy treat for your dog. Raw squash can lead to gastrointestinal problems, as your dog won’t be able to digest it properly. Pumpkin seeds are also fine for your dog to have, as long as you don’t salt them or add spicing. A note about peanuts . Can Dogs Eat Squash – Yes, Cooked Squash is Fine Feeding your dog cooked squash is important. Before giving your dog this treat, make sure you clean the pumpkin seeds. Dogs can eat anything, including cucumbers, but is it safe for them? Toxic Squash Syndrome: Here’s What To Know And How To Avoid It There can be some nasty symptoms from eating bad zucchini, cucumbers and … Yes, but pet parents should ensure that the pumpkin seeds are unsalted, roasted, and shelled. Just remember to introduce it slowly and feed in moderation, on occasions. These are all great nutrients, but we’ll list three main benefits that make pumpkins special! The fat content of the seeds have a potential effect of causing softer stools. Dogs can have them safely but not in raw form. Roasted seeds are a popular snack in the Middle East. Is Butternut Squash Good for Dogs & Puppies to Have? Thanks to the oils in pumpkin seeds, your dog’s urinary health will be kept in check. Yes, squash is safe for dogs! Although good anytime, if your pup is under the weather with digestion issues, like diarrhea, it provides electrolytes. As mentioned, there are some guidelines you should follow if you want your dog to enjoy the eggplants the best way possible. Pumpkins are rich in fiber and water, which is a great combination for preventing constipation in dogs. After this, you can steam it to help soften the flesh and make it easier for your fur baby to digest. Edible Squash Seeds . As we briefly mentioned, dogs can eat pumpkin seeds. In fact, dogs can eat both cooked and raw squash as part of a healthy diet. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin Seeds? This is especially beneficial if your dog is old and has poor eyesight. Apples Yes, dogs can eat apples.Apples are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber for your dog. Should I be worried about the spaghatti squash seed … read more Use up all your excess summer squash from the garden by steaming it up for your dog, or cut up and bake this year’s jack-o-lantern after Halloween for your dog to eat. All rights reserved. They can make your dog really sick, and even have fatal consequences in rare cases. Squash, zucchini, pumpkin and eggplant are all very healthy vegetable many of us include in our diet. 1. We want to know whether dogs can eat pumpkin or not! You should be careful with the seeds found in squash. Aside from that, seeds could provide a potential obstruction in your dog’s digestive system, no matter the size. To prevent him from suffering from stomach ache and indigestion, cooked squash is the best alternative. Yes! Fried food and dogs are never a good combination. If your dog is arthritic or has any other inflammation problems, you should also avoid eggplants as they’re inflammatory and will contract with anti-inflammatory medicine. Can my dog eat pattypan squash? If you'd like to prepare tasty treats for your canine pal, you can't go wrong with squash and zucchini. Squash is rich in vitamin A which enhances your dog’s eyesight. Other varieties of squash such as pumpkin, acorn squash, and zucchini are all safe for your dog to consume. Whatever way you want to classify it, the question is – is it safe for dogs? Cooking makes this veggie easier for dogs to digest. So, it’s your responsibility as a dog owner to know what you should and shouldn’t feed your pet. Simply run a fork across the inside and lightly steam a portion. Do not feed your dog raw winter squash. It is always better to cook them to make them more digestible for dogs. Zucchini is a summer squash that’s very healthy to us because of its many benefits and the fact that it contains almost no calories. The vegetable is rich in vitamin A which can help improve your dog’s eyesight. Pumpkin seeds have been known to help combat against worms in dogs and can be fed as a treat your dog will love to snack on. So the question is – are these vegetables safe for your dog to have? What is the dog's name and age? Dogs love squash and they can eat it raw. If you cook the zucchini before your dog eats the seeds with zucchini, then there’ll be no problems at all. You should always remove them prior to serving zucchini to your dog. You can also crush or grind them and mix them into your dog’s food. Weight Regulation For a great tip of pumpkin treat, check out this link. Can dogs eat butternut squash? However, we usually throw these away before cooking it. Can Dogs Eat Squash – Yes, Cooked Squash is Fine. For both humans and canines, pumpkin seeds can help fight cancer, reduce inflammation, prevent heart disease, lower blood sugar levels and improve bladder health. Can Dogs Eat Nuts and Seeds? Your dog will be just fine. However, it’s different in canines: When dogs eat something containing xylitol, the xylitol is more quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, and may result in a potent release of insulin from the pancreas. Butternut squash? Squash is usually better served fresh rather than frozen or in a can. Summer squash? - Answered by a verified Dog Veterinarian. Hand MS, Thatcher CD, Remillard RL, et al. But again, the vet’s advice is needed here. Have you fed your dog pumpkin before? They are low in protein and fat, making them the perfect snack for senior dogs. You can eat the seeds from butternut squash, acorn squash, and spaghetti squash.You can use them just like you would pumpkin seeds because pumpkins are also a variety of squash. First of all, don’t give raw pumpkin to your dog. Veterinarian's Assistant: I'll do all I can to help.