Note: Need more help with content upgrades? The company is very responsive to user feedback, though, and the platform is constantly evolving. What do you say? Plus, it’s an inexpensive way to gets results. Time for new contact lenses? It may seem a little old hat and maybe a tad obvious, but more people than ever use email. By building a loyal and engaged following, you can be sure to have high conversions and repeat business. Free recipes — Not one, but THREE eBooks?! But getting your wanted emails to the inbox is super-important for your business. An optin form is a place on your website that allows you to capture emails. You can give that feeling to your subscribers by using emojis in your subject lines. Plus, maintaining good deliverability practice helps you establish a robust relationship with subscribers and email providers. You can set up a trigger link when you scrub your email list to have only engaged subscribers on your list. Melyssa doesn’t only offer a library of resources, but she also gives you access to a private Facebook group to connect with other like-minded individuals. If they are reading a post on 5 Different Ways to Maximize Your Productivity and then see a content upgrade offering a cheatsheet containing an additional 20 ways to increase your productivity – since they are already interested – the person will be more likely to sign up. Smart Blogger uses a content upgrade in their popular post about how to make money blogging. You now know how to get your email marketing system setup and how to deliver your first email marketing campaign. When deciding what to say in your email subject line, make sure it reads clearly and isn’t ambiguous. You can use “If, else” logic to branch subscribers off in another direction when they take a certain action, or finish an email mini-course. It’s a free workshop that gives more actionable advice to help new bloggers be successful. "Permission-Based E-Mail Marketing That Works!" ANA’s Ask the Expert research service answers the question, “What are the best practices, benchmarks, and consumer insights for email marketing?”. Understanding the ins and outs is an absolute MUST in this industry! These incentives are known by many names…. They immediately receive their bonus and are now a subscriber. Schedule and Send Emails 07. One factor to consider when choosing the best email marketing service for you is email deliverability. When a visitor reads your post and then sees an offer related to what they are reading, they are much more likely to sign up to your list. You may think pop-ups are annoying but they do a darn good job at converting more so than traditional forms. Emojis add color and visuals to a subscriber’s inbox, which makes those emails stand out. Among other features, you can A/B split test your emails to optimize conversions. Email marketing is one of the best ways to grow your business. Bloggers and creators enjoy using Convertkit because it makes email marketing automation easy to use without over-complicating things. Now, it’s time to focus on your audience and deliver a top-notch lead magnet to grow your list. If you have a new product or offer, you probably want your subscribers to know about it, right? Since people are curious by nature, telling a personal story about how you got started or the behind-the-scenes of your business will help form a connection with your list and build loyalty amongst your subscribers. ActiveCampaign enables you to tag your subscribers, and also segment them into different lists and groups. Here’s a blueprint you can follow to ensure your campaign is effective: 1. She was able to tie this recent event to her course. You can do this by placing your optin forms in several optimized places. Allison from Wonderlass uses an optimized landing page to promote her free webinar. His reason for the successful email campaign? This is referred to as a lead magnet. To get the most out of your cheat sheet, you can monetize it by placing links to your affiliate products or your products inside the cheat sheet. Analyze and Improve Emails Conclusion 1 2 5 7 15 22 26 29 31 40 For any business online, having a list is integral to their overall success. Each welcome series is different, but this will give you a blueprint to follow and tweak: A common welcome email series starts with giving the free download to your new subscribers. What do you want them to know about you and what you do? Now the tough part comes into play. Or, give them a second freebie as a token of appreciation. This typically is the first step in the customer acquisition process. Automating your emails is an excellent way to nurture your list. We are an award winning blog that has been helping bloggers & entrepreneurs since 2012. In chapter two, we will discuss how to create an effective email campaign. This makes it hard for your subscriber to read your email and get anything out of it. Every online business should have a solid content marketing plan. Hosted by Cloudways. Check out David Hartshorne’s guide over at to learn the difference between marketing emails and transactional emails. So, you’ve been collecting email addresses from your customers. Time to crack email … Webinars are perceived as more valuable than other forms of freebies because they feel exclusive. That’s why we created this 101 post—consider it a tool from us to you to be distributed across your teams to enable their email marketing. But the truth is, no email marketing platform can promise to prevent messages going to spam entirely. To ensure your subscribers are receiving your wonderful, effective emails, they need to hit the inbox — not the spam folder or Gmail’s dreaded Promotions tab. Creating a challenge can take different forms — from video to email to even using a Facebook group. What’s great is that according to Aberdeen, doing this can improve your click-through rates by 14% and conversions by 10%. You won’t believe this ridiculously simple parenting hack!”. It’s an effective digital marketing strategy that reaches your customers via their inbox. Here’s an example of a lead magnet from Melyssa Griffin: Having a strong lead magnet that’s specific and perceived as valuable to your audience can dramatically increase your subscriber rate. However, because of its infancy, advanced power users may find certain areas of ConvertKit limiting – when compared to more featured-filled platforms like ActiveCampaign or Drip. But, there’s more to why you should focus on email marketing other than just because it’s relatively straightforward and highly optimized for conversions. Thursday, July 18, 2019. by Lauren Kimberlin. In this beginner’s guide – email marketing 101 – I’ll show you how to set up your email marketing system and deliver your first email marketing campaign. This doesn’t speak to your buyer persona and it won’t entice visitors to want to invest in your brand, since there’s nothing of value to be gained by signing up to your list. With ConvertKit’s user-friendly interface, someone new to email marketing may not find it as difficult to use as other email providers. Offers immense value — the information must be actionable, easy to do and provide, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday (with Tuesday being the best day). For example, once someone signs up to someone’s lead magnet on organizing secrets, they are sent a series of automated emails about organization and time-saving hacks. Knowing how to write effective subject lines and emails is what will help you increase your open rate and click-through rate, which is ultimately what any business wants – an engaged list. John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneurs on Fire does a great job of sending out a welcome series, giving his new subscribers tips and strategies to help them with their online business. These emails act as a brand builder to nurture subscribers and help them get to know your brand, message, and products. Email Marketing 101: The Basics of Email Marketing as a Travel Professional For many people, email is the preferred method of business communication, particularly when used to market their products and services. Ready to create your first (or next) email marketing campaign? Email allows you to warm up your leads, and that can increase sales by 20% over trying to sell to cold leads. GDPR helps customers to have more control over their data. Paul Jarvis lets his subscribers know about his new podcast season at the beginning of his email. If your first thought is to write an email and just send it out, unfortunately, you definitely won’t get the results you’re looking for. Most people who subscribe to your list want to know more about you and your brand. Email marketing helps you connect with your customers, promote your brand, and increase sales. And “free” gets you a lot with MailerLite, which features a wide variety of graphical templates and a drag-and-drop email designer. Your welcome email should also have links to any products you have, social media links you want to promote and, above all, a curiosity loop to nudge your new subscribers to open up your next email. And one other way you can segment your list is by preference. It also has email broadcast functionality that can be used to send a one-off targeted email or newsletter to a segment – or your entire list – of subscribers. Bloggers and solopreneurs can also take advantage of this powerful email marketing feature. If you want to nurture leads and turn them into raving fans who will shout your virtues from rooftops (as well as buy whatever you’re selling), you need to learn the ins and outs of email marketing. Make sure to also test your subject lines with Coschedule’s subject line tester to ensure your emails avoids spam. So, when you take the time to personalize your emails and build a strong relationship with your subscribers, you’ll have a better chance at conversions, giving a boost to your bottom line. As many as 53% of subscribers choose to use their smartphones or tablets to read emails rather than using a desktop or laptop. They have the most complete feature sets including tags, segments, and a visual builder. Webinars provide crazy results. There are several smart ways to segment your list. Lastly, email marketing is an effective strategy for converting people into customers. Email Marketing 101: Table of Contents What is Email Marketing? Email marketing is an old-standby in the realm of internet marketing and there’s a reason it hasn’t gone anywhere: it works. Whether you have a seasonal discount for your products or are hosting a giveaway, subscribers want to stay in the loop. An easy way to add a personal touch to your email is with your subject line. This is a must for list building. For example, in Mailerlite, you use a merge tag in your subject line or in the body of your message to personalize it. Not many people will sign up to your list if all you have is a blurb saying to sign up! Being personal also helps with increasing your click-through rates if subscribers expect a level of personalization whenever they see your email in their inbox. It’s true that double opt-in decreases your conversion rate – up to a 30% less conversion rate. Drip’s original target market was SaaS product owners, but they began to build a following with bloggers, creators, and e-commerce store owners. You know you need to do it. Sarah Titus uses landing pages for many of her incentives. It’s also highly visual. Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Flipboard 0. Suzanne Wentley January 7, 2021. This is the amount of text you can see on an average 4-inch smartphone display. It’s not the sexiest subject when it comes to email. Now you need to place your sign up form on your site. That’s an earning of about $44 for every $1 spent on email marketing efforts. You’re convinced it’s the way to go. Utilizing email marketing in your marketing campaign can help you grow your business. Take a page from Tailwind’s newsletter and share with your subscribers what you’re reading by curating content from around the web. Very good 101 level tutorial! Unfortunately, there isn’t a magical day or time to send your emails to get the best open rates. Each email has a purpose with the intent of educating your subscribers: These targeted emails build the awareness ladder with your audience. Grow Your Email List 04. Here are a few tried-and-true tactics: Greet new subscribers with welcome emails. Once you have your sign up form on your site, the next hurdle is the actual email. As a small business owner, you don’t want to be bogged down by having to send out emails by hand. Signed up, got them and will be using them! There are both free and paid options but, to make your choices easier, I’ll go over the most recommended tools so you can pick from the one that better suits your needs. Opinions on single vs. double opt-in vary, but in many cases, a single opt-in list really only has the benefit of a higher conversion rate of people opting into the list. With a single opt-in list, all a subscriber does is fill out your sign up form and clicks submit. Check out her new free email course for bloggers and writers, Get Paid to Write Online. You’ll find all the usual features like tagging, segmentation, a visual automation builder, impressive deliverability, and strong integration with most of the popular internet marketing tools. Having a call to action above the fold is an easy way to present an attention-grabbing signup form and alert new readers to what you’re offering. Many bloggers and entrepreneurs are taking advantage of using eCourses for their lead magnet. Find more email marketing tools in Adam’s comparison of popular email marketing providers. To give you an automated email sequence example, let’s look at a “welcome” series. Mention it in your blog posts and on social media. Drip also includes powerful tagging capabilities and can respond to events such as when a subscriber clicks a link, subscribes to a webinar, signs up for a trial, and more. Your customers are in their inbox every day—several times a day. What are you going to do with them? Write Engaging Email Content 05. For this post, we focused on setting up an email system focused around broadcast style emails, otherwise known as marketing emails. James Clear knows this. But not every subscriber will open your email. Share this entry. You can use email to notify your subscribers of your latest blog post, webinars, giveaway or promotional deal. Pop-ups are signup forms that unexpectedly appear, or “pop up,” while a user is on your website. Check to see if you pass the spam test and land in inboxes with Mail Tester. And it all starts with your subject line. They help your audience go from “unaware to who you are” to “very aware” — each email must speak to readers at every point the buyer’s journey. Yes, email marketing needs some serious attention. She goes out of her way to tell stories and connect with the thousands of subscribers she has. You can ask your subscribers if they want more information, less information, or new information. “[P]rofessional speakers know their audiences may forget every single point they share within 10 minutes of the end of their presentation, but they remember the stories.”. The average open rates for emails across different industries is 21%. Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter; Share on Google+; Share on Pinterest; Share on Linkedin; Share on Tumblr; Share on … The best high-converting places to add your sign up forms are: There’s no rule to how many sign up forms you can have on your site. With your About page being one of the most read pages on your site, it’s no wonder that having an optin form is a given. A welcome email is simple enough — you welcome your subscribers to your business, why you’re the best person in your industry, and how you can help them. Email integrates nicely with other marketing strategies. When you compare email marketing campaigns to social media, there’s really no contest: Plus, you own your list — you don’t own your social media followers. Posted on August 21, 2020 | by Lindsay Bock. With your email service provider and lead magnet, you can create a series of automated emails like a welcome series, newsletter, or a promotional campaign. Allows for plenty of questions to pop up. They make multiple lead magnets and content upgrades easy to set up and deliver – and they make it easy to put various email capture boxes on your site. If a checklist and template had a baby, they would make a worksheet. Jenn and Sam of This Tiny Blue House use a general optin incentive but make the signup form pop by using their brand colors. All the info and tasks about email marketing can be complicated and confusing. Let’s get started helping you create email marketing campaigns that are a slam dunk when it comes to boosting your sales. Once you’ve chosen your preferred tool to capture leads, you need to qualify your leads. When you email your subscribers, your message is competing with every other email in their inbox. She works closely with B2C and B2B businesses providing digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases their search engine visibility. …but whatever you call it, its mission is simple: Convince readers to provide their email in exchange for the incentive. Automation allows for specific targeted emails that are sent automatically once a condition is met. The most important email a brand can send is a welcome email. Try saying something direct and actionable like, “10 new fonts for your website.”. They feature automations, tags, segmentation, landing pages, beautiful popups, and more. You have your incentive. Having an email list enables you to direct the conversation about your business to a more personal level – the visitor’s in-box. We help smart entrepreneurs turn their blogs into profitable businesses. It’s having this marketing automation strategy with segmenting, funnels, or onboarding series that helps nurture subscribers and ultimately converts them to your offerings. These include: While you can’t do this with every campaign you send out, with your time-sensitive deals, or sign-up campaigns, you can increase your open rate by placing a sense of urgency in your email subject line. What’s even more surprising is, up to 61% of consumers enjoy weekly promotional emails and 28% of them want more. And research proves that using emojis is about 60% effective. Isn’t it nice when someone hand selects a book or movie for you? In this beginner’s guide – email marketing 101 – I’ll show you how to set up your email marketing system and deliver your first email marketing campaign. Kim also actually launched the first email marketing column on The ClickZ Network. Teachable created a new podcast and asked their subscribers if they want weekly emails about upcoming shows. For example, Melyssa Griffin has a Pinterest course out and created an email talking about Pinterest’s Algorithm change in February 2016. Melyssa Griffin cuts to the point and asks her soon-to-be subscribers to segment themselves based on interests. This makes your message highly customized and personal. Email list segmentation occurs when you split your email list into sub-lists based on criteria you set. — are the goal every email marketing message and campaign. For even better open rates – up to 58% better – try creating email subject lines with 10 or fewer characters. Wash, rinse, and repeat. Market your email list. So, sending the confirmation email helps increase quality, meaning a higher chance of generating sales over time. If you can connect a feeling or emotion to your product with a story, you’ll have a better chance at conversions than with any other marketing strategy. by Chris Zukowski on 11/29/17 10:16:00 am 21 comments The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was … A somewhat unique feature for an email service provider is that ConvertKit gives you a selection of landing page templates to choose from, making it a quick, easy and all-in-one solution for capturing leads. It ties in beautifully with their fat loss products. Typically, this system involves an incentive of some kind. Check out my post on using content upgrades to explode your list, or Colin’s post about the tools & plugins you can use to deliver content upgrades. She has written columns for Marketing, DM News, and B-to-B Magazine. Is by location, starting a blog ’ s time to send out by. More about you and what you do free Pinterest templates let your subscribers, which features wide... 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