Here are some questions to get you started; it can help to send these in advance to your elders so they can ponder them a bit. Here are five questions to ask successful … It's not magic, but it's been known to work quite well. If you are a women responsible for leading a company or people I would greatly appreciate if you could respond to these questions with your experiences. What mistakes have you made along the way? For instance, wealth accumulation, increased free time, lifestyle options, and creating social impact are just a few ways that people can define success,” says Zachary A. Schaefer, CEO of Spark the Discussion. How much do you earn? It’s worked for Gary Tuch, co-founder of. Whether you met your date online, through friends, or out in the world, there are bound to be things you don’t know about him or her. Here are seven questions to pose to your married friends and family so you can one day reap the benefits of their hard-earned wisdom. How To Actually Have A Fricking Great Tinder Date. So it’s important to ask some questions to get to know the person better. Yet in that same survey, more than half of the millennial women noted they were being or had been mentored by women. As a result, Christine Michel Carter has leveraged her verified digital presence and mom network to bring awareness to Paid Leave for the U.S. (PL+US), VoteMama Foundation, Mom Congress, the Phenomenal Woman Action Campaign, Maternal Care Access and Reducing Emergencies (CARE) Act, Mothers and Offspring Mortality and Morbidity Awareness Act, the Modernizing Obstetric Medicine Standards Act of 2019, the Maximizing Outcomes for Moms Through Medicaid Improvement and Enhancement of Services Act, and the Quality Care for Moms and Babies Act, #YearoftheMother, #ShareTheMicNow, Mother’s Monday, The State Of Black Mothers In America and Black Maternal Health Week. Culture can mean many things to many people, but one thing is very clear when it comes to culture in any organisation. Why ask about this? For example, statistics show that Black women are three to four times more likely to die during or after delivery than white women. Christine’s own best-selling children’s book Can Mommy Go To Work? The answers are sure to entertain you! 5 Questions Successful Founders Would Ask Their Fellow Entrepreneurs. by Beth Doane. Best-selling author Christine Michel Carter is the #1 global voice for working moms. Whom are you named after? 21 Questions to ask when moderating your next panel discussion. As read through your hub, I found myself stopping and giving a lot of thought to some of the questions without being able to answer them. These questions are perfect for a road trip. OK, that's a bit of an overstep to ask someone you just met. 3 Comments on "5 Important Questions to Ask Successful People" Ali Cham | 20-Jul-2015 at 21:17 | Reply. With this question, you think you are an accountant, financial advisor or what? Dare to try to figure this out, and you are going to scare her. Understandably, most professionals prefer not forego crossing professional boundaries into personal territories with their managers or business leaders. Realtor and career coach Chantay Bridges says she likes to ask successful people about their daily routines, so she can learn learn about the daily habits and routine steps that help create an environment of success. Some time ago, Michael Smith called and asked if he could interview me. But there are some important questions to ask before marriage that you might not have considered. Sign up to get job alerts relevant to your skills and experience. If their company made slow progress (or no progress), hearing this from the lens of a female mentor pressure tests a millennial mom’s commitment to their organization. Similarly, about one-third of women (32%) who took a significant amount of time off from work for family-related reasons say doing this hurt their career, compared with 18% of men. When that happens, take advantage of it. Older women from previous generations already experienced these interruptions. Her preferred charity of choice is Girl Scouts of Central Maryland. Why ask about this? As the old saying goes, we are what we repeatedly do. She is the founder of Mompreneur and Me, the nation’s first free mommy and me professional development event. Recruiters search Monster every day looking to fill top jobs with qualified candidates, just like you. When it comes to formulating good questions to ask successful people, be prepared. Don’t reference a time period before the 21st century. These self care habits of successful women can help you prioritise self care and incorporate it into your day without feeling like you’re simply adding more to your plate. The dynamic amongst professional women (treating one another as competition) is also declining, as companies increase opportunities for female advancement, since they bring different skill sets than their male counterparts and increase an organization’s skill diversity. The message she gives that child, that child gives to the world.” As “the global mom activist”, Christine feels that by changing the narrative of what it means to be a mother she is reducing their stress, raise loving children and thus… change the world. If you just started seeing a girl, use this guide of 30 dating questions to ask the girl you’re seeing. Five Questions for Several of FORTUNE's 50 Most Powerful Women. Why ask about this? (Read more below to find out how to create and crosscheck your questions.) In 2000 companies started executing drastic organizational changes in the interest of women and working mothers, such as technological improvements and the option to telecommute. You may not ever meet a red-carpet superstar, but your chances of bumping into someone whose career you admire—at a networking event, in the grocery store, or maybe even in an elevator—are considerably higher. Additionally, you can get job alerts sent to your inbox as soon as they become available. Good questions are like kindling. I’ve discovered that she gleans gold because, she asks great questions. As a Black mother, Christine is committed to ensuring Black mothers around the world stop suffering in silence. This includes the physical, emotional and mental health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. And while having a male mentor has its advantages, the best mentor instinctively understands their protégé. Women within these industries are serving as powerful mentors, recognizing successful protégés lead to profitable companies. These two questions aren’t about if women work at the company, they’re about if women feel a sense of inclusion at the company. 3. Some of the questions are autobiographical; others are advice-driven. How to Use Technology to Your Company’s Overall Advantage. What was our organizational culture like 10 years ago for women and working mothers? 13. This is heavy stuff. These women are untapped resources; asking them uncommon questions could encourage millennial mothers to remain with a company, apply for a challenging role or even financially invest in the organization. © 2021 Monster Worldwide was ranked as an “empowering book” and a “life changing book to guide feminist parenting.” Her book MOM AF is a sister circle in a book, inspired both by Carter’s life and her published articles. “My reason for asking is purely selfish—I want to understand how successful people do it so that I can derive from their experiences in creating my own path of success,” says Holly Rodriguez, chief communications strategist at H-Rod and Associates. Try these road trip questions for couples too. Here's what Richard Branson, Elon Musk, and 22 other successful people ask job candidates during interviews Jacquelyn Smith 2015-11-25T14:20:00Z This may seem a little forward, but you never know. She asked him this question and he told her all she could do was her best. Though female leaders are scarce at many organizations, there are industries in which a higher proportion of female leaders exist, such as the apparel, retail and personal care industries. Sixty-five percent of women who have been mentored will become mentors themselves but just nine percent of women offer sponsorship to protégés. To be clear: millennial women will receive sound direction when asking ANY mentor- male or female- common questions (“Is this where you thought you would end up? This got my own imagination churning, and I developed a list of 100 questions that I’d love to ask another woman. Mentors also serve as an informational resource on policies and procedures, reduce confusion and uncertainty related to the company culture, make invaluable introductions and respect confidentiality, building lasting rapport. For the past 36 years women have accounted for nearly half of the U.S. labor force, and 15% of women work in managerial and administrative occupations, up eight percentage points from 1980. “The answer is almost always a little to none,” he says. Girl Scouts is an organization building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. To help you gather tinder to use on Tinder (or any dating site or app), we’ve come up with 18 brilliant questions to ask when online dating. Christine’s co-hosted conference, The State Of Black Mothers In America, is the largest global conference for Black mothers. Good to know from successful people . Could you use some help getting a job? ... 4 Smart Steps for Successful Tinder Conversations. A mentor provides guidance and advice, though not necessarily an advocate. What is your secret to making marriage work for a lifetime? Top 10 career questions to ask someone you admire If you want to get ahead, one of the best ways to do this is to find out from others how they got there and did it. Being taken seriously and handling three jobs simultaneously — CEO, Wife and Mother. Apply to YEC Next. Christine’s voice transpires across miles into the heart, mind, and soul of moms everywhere. These women require an appropriate mentor who can not only provide sound direction regarding their professional career, but also can contribute a parental (and more specifically, female parental) perspective. Most successful people are successful for a reason and are only too happy to share their insights and advice to help others. Christine’s voice transpires across miles into the heart, mind, and soul of moms. Her insights have been included by other authors in their books. Here are a few recommended thought-provoking questions for a female mentor who is also a mother: How did you balance being a mother and professional? A sponsor is an advocate, someone within the organization who accentuates the strengths of their protégé to leadership and other executives, thus providing the protégé with opportunities to spearhead high-profile projects. If you ever run into Warren Buffett, Angelina Jolie, or Michael Jordan in an elevator. This one is often asked in a joking manner and girls usually end up saying something like, “spiders,” “snakes”, “ghosts”, or things that aren’t very serious. Question 6 What’s your back up plan? What do you consider your biggest weakness?”), but what about the professional millennial mother whose needs differ from the needs of the average millennial employee? United States Civil Rights Activist Malcolm X once said, “the mother is the first teacher of the child. How did you overcome your personal and professional failures? Questions to ask your mentor: Know Your Value spoke to C-level executives who shared the best advice they received. Christine is aligned to one of the critical health topics of the World Health Organization (WHO): maternal health. That means one of the best ways to grow as a leader is to ask questions of other leaders. For the past 36 years women have accounted for nearly half of the U.S. labor force, and 15% of women work in managerial and administrative occupations, up … If it all goes wrong, what are you going to do next? Why ask about this? I am writing an assignment on women in leadership and I have had a difficult time locating a female leader with time to complete these interview questions. Best-selling author Christine Michel Carter is the #1 global voice for working moms. To be fair, mentorship engagement wasn’t ingrained in previous generations as much as it was for professional millennial women. Further Reading: 10 Questions to Ask a Girl You Are in Love With . by Cliff Johnson. By continuing, you agree to Monster's privacy policy, terms of use and use of cookies. 01. This question is one of the most important things you can ask anyone, because it allows you to learn from their experience. When was the last time you failed hard at something? Give it a try on Thanksgiving (and let me know how it went!). The Joys of an Older Woman Younger Man Relationship: Advice and Insight. * How did you get credibility quickly? 20 Questions to Ask the Important Women in Your Life Create your family history with your mother, your grandmother, and your aunts (bring your tape recorder or video camera!) This question typically reveals things anyone can do as long as they. I downloaded a handful of her interviews and listened for the best questions. After watching a number of Mixergy interviews--I would suggest the following: * How did you make your first sale? What woman inspires you and why? I cherrypicked some of these questions from the now famous study, “The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness.” The study was published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin and was featured in the New York Times’ article Modern Love Essays. Glenn Stok from Long Island, NY on November 17, 2015: Wow! See what impressed the CEO’s when it comes to questions on this vitally important topic. For millennial women a female mentor can provide guidance on many situations based on their experience within the work environment. Great questions, I enjoyed reading them and your answers. So the next time you have the opportunity to spend time with such an individual, don’t focus on impressing or selling her. Be cautious with these types of questions – but not too cautious. Among those women who reduced their work hours in order to care for a child, 35% say this hurt their career overall (compare this to 17% of men who reduced their work hours). For women the transition from mentor to sponsor isn’t easy. Thank you!You are now a Monster member—and you'll receive more content in your inbox soon. At the time, Michael was on the staff of ClearView Baptist Church in Franklin, Tennessee. They understand “how things really get done” within the company and can jumpstart networking relationships. roughly one in five mothers is a millennial. Fortunately, we can help with that last one using a few creative first date questions that will help you start a conversation with anyone. I will ask them to sow me way they follow until what they are today, and i will follow and be like them. Below are four types of questions to ask your mentor, along with 10 related examples for each type. Successful people are out building their empires, traveling the globe, or spending time with loved ones. Yes these women can address not only gender related challenges but also parenting challenges, which allows moms to focus on job-specific issues and adding value to the organization- not their personal lives- and maximizes company productivity. Godard Abel, CEO of Five years ago, 52% of female respondents in a LinkedIn survey said they never had a mentor because they hadn’t encountered someone appropriate. And that selfish approach is working. Navigating a career and a family is challenging. 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Do you feel the company makes annual efforts towards improving the culture for this cohort? The best way to learn is to ask questions. Read our tips from top interview experts and be more prepared at your interview than anyone else. Career tip: Don't ever wing it. If you know any couples who seem to be masters at marriage, you would be foolish to not ask them for their secrets. At your next doctor's appointment, get in, get the information you came for, and get out without wasting anyone's time -- including your own. After all, this person can't wave a wand and turn you into a new hire—but we might be able to increase your chances of it happening. It comes from the top. We've used these questions in interviews with hundreds of elders in the Legacy Project, and they work very well). These interesting questions for girls and guys can help you ignite a lively conversation and woo a date. This is a great way to get to know someone / a group of people. Ask successful people one or two of these questions to get some of their best insights and advice. A mentor who understands the challenges associated with balancing the responsibilities of a burgeoning professional and family woman is invaluable, and finding the female mentor who is an experienced business leader by day and mother by night isn’t impossible. What you want to know: You want to know how self-directed your candidate is.In a company that emphasizes empowerment, for example, a candidate who requires constant direction will not fit.If you know that the boss who is the hiring manager is a micromanager, the self-driven candidate may not succeed. After facing some pushback at her previous job regarding social media marketing, Rodriguez says she attended a conference and talked with rap artist and record producer Jermaine Dupri. TIME asks some today's most powerful women business leaders about their best and worst decisions, barriers to female leadership and the women who have inspired them Case in point: baby boomer women are working longer, and the majority of baby boomer women born in 1950 gave birth to their first child before they turned 25. #1 What’s your worst fear? Not all mentors can be sponsors; the latter requires either tenure or clout and the ability to identify extraordinary talent within the organization. by Tommy Mello. * How did you develop key partnerships? Additionally, there are cultural nuances during pregnancy, labor, and delivery that can increase the risks of experiencing mental health challenges for moms of color. mentors received $25,075 in additional compensation between 2008 and 2010, most likely due to increased visibility from developing talent which led to greater reward and recognition for the extra effort. My Mother, as I trust her … According to the Forbes leadership Forum, mentors and sponsors serve different purposes but have a similar desire: support their protégé in achieving their goals. . So the next time you have a spare minute, ask them one of these fun questions for married couples – covering their childhood years, teens years and random imaginings. It should also indicate when they should feel confident in their role and can effortlessly communicate the strategy of the company. - V: 2020.26.0.27-814 -. Apply to YEC. Today's Picks. osafo | 17-May-2016 at 19:29 | Reply. What event motivated you to become a mentor? Ask one or two of these questions to get some of their best insights and advice. According to Pew Research Center, millennial women are much more likely than men to experience family-related career interruptions, and motherhood specifically interrupt career paths. Ignite a lively conversation and woo a Date become mothers. further reading 10! 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